Saturday, June 24, 2006


I find it very hard to understand teetotal Christians.

My understanding of the term 'Christian' is someone who follows the teachings of Christ or seeks to be like Him in some way. And Jesus expressly told His disciples to drink wine to remeber Him. So why do so many Christians shun alcohol in all its forms? They are commanded to drink it!

Yes, I know there are several anti-drunkenness passages in the bible, but having a glass or two of wine is as far from drunkenness as driving sensibly is from breaking the speed limit.


Ricky Carvel said...


I wonder if anyone asking themselves the 'WWJD?' question has decided that, in a similar situation to the one in which they find themselves, what Jesus would do would be to provide lots more wine to a bunch of already drunk people...

If you have wrong preconceived notions of what Jesus would have done, then you can't truly follow his example or teaching.

Ricky Carvel said...

Oh, and the 'wine for your stomach' line is part of Paul's advice to Timothy (1 Tim 5v23).